Electronic Boost Control Explained

Electronic boost control (EBC) is one of the primary features that differentiates our kits in the market. This process changes a constant boost setpoint (spring-controlled or boost-tee controlled) to a variable range of boost setpoint (electronically controlled). What this does, for the consumer, is creates a system that AUTOMATICALLY compensates for air-density-altitude (elevation).

As a rider climbs in elevation, the air becomes less dense, with fewer of the oxygen molecules available for combustion. EBC allows our kits to “replace” this air by supplying additional boost. For the rider, this means your clutching is correctly configured, regardless of elevation (see below). What this really means for you, as a rider, is that you can expect your snowmobile to act the same at 6,000 feet as it does at 10,000 feet, drastically improving rider control without having to change tuning or clutching, because the system is making consistent horsepower.

Climb elevation without sacrificing performance or making manual adjustments
Climb elevation without sacrificing performance or making manual adjustments

When we set out to build our EBC system, we wanted to do it right. Our EBC includes an additional TBAP (Temperature, Barometric Pressure) sensor, electronic actuator solenoid, and the required electronics. We utilize the additional TBAP sensor, which we locate in the charge-air box, because we want our electronics to know actual atmospheric pressure (utilizes the stock TBAP sensor, which also feeds our electronics), AND the internal boost pressure, at the same time. This is a BoonDocker exclusive and is a competitive advantage over just an ECU reflash.

Calculating the data from both the stock TBAP sensor AND the BD TBAP sensor, our electronics cause the electronic solenoid to open or close, which passes a small amount of pressurized air to the diaphragm-side of the wastegate actuator, allowing it to open or close the wastegate (assuming the correct actuator has been selected).

The primary reason we use a piggy-back-style fuel controller is to manage boost control, as most naturally-aspirated ECU's do not have the ability to manage a boost solenoid/electronic boost control.

For example, 14,000 feet is approximately 8.6 psi of atmospheric pressure, while 5,000 feet is approximately 12.2 psi of atmospheric pressure (keep in mind that temperature and weather can affect atmospheric pressure, so this is just a constant-calculation example). So, in order to have the same volume of air (same power levels in combustion) at 14,000 feet as you do at 5,000 feet, the system would need to supply 3.6 psi of additional boost. Wastegate actuators, in general, can account for 3-4 psi in compensation. Our electronics, in combination with the wastegate actuator take care of the altitude compensation for you. We call this Electronic Boost Control!

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